in Short

Ethiopia : $20.8 Million for a sustainable coffee program

In partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Government of Ethiopia has officially embarked on a long-term program to combat deforestation and integrate sustainability in the coffee sector.

With additional funding from the Washington D.C.-based Global Environment Facility (GEF), the joint project has a budget of US$20.8 million, with plans to run from 2023-2031, according to the UNDP.

Called “Preventing Forest Loss, Promoting Restoration, and Integrating Sustainability into Ethiopia’s Coffee Value Chains & Food Systems,” the project is designed to prevent deforestation, promote reforestation and provide market support for Ethiopian coffee producers.

The Ethiopia coffee project is one of 26 different country projects under the name FOLUR (“Food. Land Use. Restoration.”) Together, they comprise billions of dollars in public and private investments with a focus on large-scale production landscapes for agricultural products such as coffee, cocoa, corn, coffee, livestock, palm oil, rice, soy and wheat.

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