
Hicham El Guerrouj : from track to business, an exceptional journey

Moroccan runner, holder of multiple world records in long-distance running events, has invested in real estate and hospitality in Morocco after retiring from sports. He is also involved in sports development projects in his country. Let's take a look back at his sports career and his life as a businessman.

Hicham El Guerrouj, hailing from Berkane, Morocco, is recognized as one of the greatest athletes in the history of world athletics. His exceptional career on the track, marked by world records and Olympic medals, is undeniably impressive. But beyond his brilliant sports career, El Guerrouj has also excelled as a successful businessman, investing in various sectors and contributing to the economic development of his country.

Born on September 14, 1974, El Guerrouj discovered his passion for running at a young age. Quickly, his natural talents emerged, and he rapidly climbed the ranks of Moroccan athletics. In 1996, he made his Olympic debut in Atlanta, where he finished fourth in the 1500 meters event. It was the beginning of an impressive Olympic career.

Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: the consecration

The real breakthrough came at the Sydney Olympics in 2000, where El Guerrouj won the coveted gold medal in the 1500 meters and 5000 meters events, achieving a historic double. His epic victory in the 1500 meters, where he defeated the great Noah Ngeny in an unforgettable final sprint, remains etched in memory as one of the most iconic performances in the history of athletics. In 2004, at the Athens Olympics, El Guerrouj added another gold medal to his collection by winning the 1500 meters, confirming his dominance in this distance.

But it wasn’t just the Olympics where El Guerrouj shone. On the world stage, he set several world records in the 1500 meters and mile events, records that still stand to this day. His ability to maintain a fast pace over relatively short distances made him an exceptional runner, admired for his strength, race strategy, and unwavering determination.

 Real estate, hospitality, agribusiness, and international trade

After retiring from professional athletics in 2006, El Guerrouj turned to the world of business with the same passion and commitment he had for running. He invested in various sectors, including real estate, hospitality, agribusiness, and international trade. His goal was to contribute to Morocco’s economic development by creating jobs, stimulating investment, and encouraging entrepreneurship.

One of his most notable initiatives was his investment in the agribusiness sector, where he established a company specializing in the production of high-quality olive oil. By using modern farming and production techniques, El Guerrouj helped promote sustainable agriculture and showcase Moroccan products in both domestic and international markets.

An ambassador for sports and development in Morocco

In parallel, El Guerrouj became an ambassador for sports and development in Morocco. He established his own foundation to promote education and sports among young people, offering scholarships and sports opportunities to those most in need. His commitment to Moroccan youth and his desire to see the country prosper attest to his attachment to his homeland and his desire to give back to the community that raised him. Today, Hicham El Guerrouj continues to be an influential figure in Morocco and the sports world. His exemplary career as an athlete and his success as a businessman make him a role model for future generations, inspiring those who follow him to pursue their dreams with determination, passion, and commitment.

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