in Short

Egypt : led EBRD’s SEMED region investments in 2023

Egypt led the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) 2023 investments in the southern and eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) region, with new commitments to 16 projects totalling almost €1.3 billion.

Sixty-nine per cent of the Bank’s investments in Egypt were in the country’s financial sector, while 63 per cent had a gender and inclusion focus. Ninety-six per cent of its investments in the country were in the private sector.

The Bank also disbursed a record €900 million-plus in Egypt in 2023 to support the implementation of key infrastructural projects and to improve access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), bringing its total disbursements to €5.7 million since the start of its operations there in 2012.

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