in Short

Algeria : a memorandum of understanding signed between Algeria Venture and Turkish Airlines to support startups

A memorandum of understanding was signed on Sunday in Algiers between the public start-up gas pedal « Algeria Venture » and the Turkish airline « Turkish Airlines », aimed at supporting start-ups and innovators to enable them to benefit from preferential airfares.

The signing ceremony took place at the Palais des expositions (Pins maritimes) on the sidelines of the 31st edition of the Algerian Production Fair. The document was co-signed by Sid Ali Zerrouki, General Manager of Algeria Venture, and Muhammed Ibrahim Kavranoglu, General Manager of Turkish Airlines in Algeria, in the presence of Yacine El-Mahdi Oualid, Minister of the Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises, and Muhammet Mucahit Kucukyilmaz, Turkish Ambassador to Algiers, APS reports.

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