
Ivory Coast: The youth sets out aspirations

In a context of social unrest, the new cabinet of Amadou Gon Coulibaly, the Ivorian Prime Minister, is expected on many projects by the whole population. But it is first and foremost the Ivorian youth, jobless or not, that looks at what should be the Ivorian government’s priority areas. Public interview


Touré Frey, a 30-year-old driver, living in Treichville: « We are abandoned»

« We are abandoned by the government. However, if it finds fair options for jobless young people, giving priority to skills after graduation, then corruption will disappear. Qualified people will be in public corporations and the country will move forward. Unfortunately, for the time being, young people have nothing, not even the resources to set up their own businesses… In addition, houses have been destroyed, shops demolished without a rescue plan for the most deprived. According to Human and citizen rights, when a government forces people to move from an area, it must relocate them and improve their living conditions. But in our country, nothing has been done. This problem strips the Ivory Coast of all credibility. »

Vincent Boty, a 41-year-old journalist: « connection gestures »

« Issues of concern include employment, security, fair redistribution of economic benefits, and national reconciliation to solve these problems by 2020. This requires openness to the others, through connection gestures, for in truth, there is nothing opposing us in this country. We all know and love each other, despite our divergent political ideals. »

Seydou Badian, a 25-year-old Communication student: « high cost of living and corruption »

« The government must pay special attention on social life, in particular the high cost of living and social upheaval – by fostering dialogue. Actually, job opportunities must be created for young people, allowing everyone to access integration… Corruption is also one of the challenges of this country: no progress in this area since ADO came to power. Rigorous controls must be carried out to clean everything! Transportation is a disaster, a legendary cacophony to be corrected as soon as possible. There are too many unions in this area. Security must be a priority to allow us to live in peace. »

Clarisse Gondo, a 16-year-old student: « We must express ourselves »

« The youth expects a lot from the government. Many young people today do not work. No matter what is said, they are left behind. The government always takes the same and starts again. I’m sorry, but there are too many skilled young people who need to prove themselves. Since we were children, the same are there. Are we not intelligent? I can cry out loud and clear that we are a very intelligent youth and ready to show our know-how wherever we will be called. We must express ourselves. »

Raïssa YAO, a 30-year-old blogger at « For an emergency plan for youth »

« An emergency plan must be developed for the youth, which represents 77.7% of the whole population. First, we need a quality education system, and an education upgrade if necessary, because there are young people who have completed their studies for several years. Those who have fought during the various crises must also be taken into consideration. Some are illiterate … A plan must be developed for each category. The more they have an occupation and a responsibility, the less they will be manipulated and inclined to follow crowd movements which tend to destabilize and block the country. Under these conditions, the youth of today will be able to build the Ivory Coast of tomorrow. »

Ibrahima Touré, a 32-year-old pro-Ouattara student: « more actions»

« My wish: more transparency in the organization of public service competitions, more jobs for young people, more social support for the most deprived, and especially school performance recovery. Moreover, the government must have a look on what is happening in hospitals. »

Cyprien Kouassi, a 29-year-old photo reporter: « Social Cohesion and National Reconciliation »

« The government has many achievements during the term, but social cohesion and reconciliation are still sensitive issues – to be addressed with courage. With respect to security, it must be admitted that much remains to be done, especially with the problem of outlawed children called the microbes. And without failing, the case of our national army that has shaken the whole country in recent days. »


Author: Issiaka N’guessan // Photo: Ibrahima Touré and Cyprien Kouassi – © Issiaka N’guessan

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