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Ivory Coast: Corsair for a strong relaunch of the tourism sector

After a cessation of activities on the airport of Abidjan, from the 24 octobre2015 to 13 June 2016, two years after the launch of the line Paris-Abidjan, Corsair intends to escalate its presence in the Ivorian sky and fully play its role in the development of the tourism sector in the Ivory Cost.

The actual come back is performed by a maiden flight on the 17 June 2016, between Paris and Abidjan. To welcome the flight , the Ivorian Minister of Transport, Gaoussou Toure, Ambassador of France in Ivory Coast, George Serre, the General manager of Tourism in  Ivory Coast, Jean Marie Somet. Under what conditions occurs this turn around when the French company had put the brakes on its activity in Abidjan for « economic reasons »?

« We’ll be back sustainably » indicated Antoine Huet, Deputy General  manager of Corsair. Before reaching cruising speed, there will be four flights a week (Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday). Prior to temporarily stop its activities, Corsair was able to carry between Abidjan and Paris, 155,000 passengers.

« Abidjan, a financial, medical and banking hub »

The Ambassador of France in Ivory Coast, George Serre, was an advocate of the Ivory Coast. To ensure that the direction of the French company does not take a bad takeoff from Abidjan, he gave further details  , « our market share indicates apart from oil that France is the largest trading partner of the Ivory Coast (…). In investment, we have the biggest stock, there are many SMEs and individuals who come to try their luck.  » The diplomat stressed that the country is attractive again, making that « Abidjan is a financial hub, medical and banking. » And conclude with the launch that « the more competition, the more growth. » And so, more visitors

Gaoussou Toure was director of the Corsair state support. « The Ivory coast  is the only country where a foreigner can win a case » he said to convince his interlocutors of the transparency of court decisions. But Gaoussou Toure was called to be more reassuring on a major axis, security. March 13, 2016, the Ivory Coast knew indeed the first deadly attack. « We will install gantries inside the airport. This is to intensify security measures around the airport, « says the Minister of Transport.

The security aspect should lead to, according to the Ivorian Minister to facilitate the start of flights to the United States of America. « By 2017, we will do everything to have direct flights to the US, expand our operations to the United States. It is important that the Ivory Coast has all the presence for developing relations between the two countries, « indicated Gaoussou Toure.

This return of Corsair is a mark of confidence given to the Ivorian government that boasts the return of security. According to the Prime Minister Daniel Kablan Duncan, the safety index was  1.11 at the end of 2015 against 3.8 in 2011, just after the post-electoral crisis of 2010. Better, Mr. Huet indicates that in 2013, « 50 to 60% of the traffic was on the line Paris-Abidjan.

Abidjan served by flights from Porto

Gaoussou Toure provides information on the state policy in aviation development, indicating that the largest project that has not yet emerged is « The aérocité » which requires funding of 1,000 billion FCFA (2 billion US dollars). To the question When is the beginning of this innovative project?  » Very soon, » he answered.

The aérocité is an enlargement of Abidjan airport. He announced the « construction of a new airport in San Pedro with attractions that are found nowhere else in the world. We have a large building station in San Pedro and we aim to allow aircraft type A380 to land in San Pedro « said Gaoussou Toure. The figures show that in 2011, just after the post-election crisis of 2010, there were only 500,000 passengers; the figure increased to 1.5 million passengers in 2015.

Note that the Ivorian-Portuguese Forum, held in Porto Thursday, June 23, 2016, led to the signing of an agreement between the Ivory Coast and Portugal for a flight from Porto to Abidjan. « Investing in Ivory Coast, it is the best investment, » says Toure Gaoussou which ensures that « we are improving the business environment with the protection of the state. The economic and legal environment is favorable, we strive to meet the private sector.  »

Wednesday, June 22 2016, on the occasion of the general assembly of the Union of Central and West African airport managers (UGAACO), the Minister of Transport has given  good news about the national airline, Air Côte d’Ivoire. « The annual average is about 630,000 passengers. » To promote the service by the national company, airports Bouaké, Korhogo, Man, Odienne and San Pedro have all been rehabilitated.



By Issiaka N’Guessan

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