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INTERVIEW Benoît BOUNY, Auchan Retail’s Managing Director in Côte d’Ivoire: « We are in Côte d’Ivoire to structure the food market”

On the occasion of the opening of its supermarket in Bouaké on February 1 2023, in one of the cities that will host the next African Cup of Nations in January 2024, Managing Director of the French retailer Auchan Benoît BOUNY explains to ANA his group’s vision for the Ivorian market. Discussions on a launch strategy in the context of a brand war on the Ivorian market.

By Issiaka N’guessan in Bouaké

Benoît Bouny DG Auchan Retail Côte d’Ivoire

When did the idea of setting up in Bouaké come about? Why Bouaké, the former stronghold of the Forces Nouvelles rebel group?

For us, Bouaké is a city, just like San-Pédro, Yamoussoukro and all the cities of Côte d’Ivoire, which we have taken into account in the development project from the very beginning, because our slogan « Making consumption accessible to all » does not mean focusing only on Abidjan.

« We quickly chose Bouaké because it is the country’s second most populous city and, after Abidjan, it has the right balance of challenges and potential »

We quickly chose Bouaké because it is the country’s second most populous city and, after Abidjan, it has the right balance of challenges and potential. Our desire is to serve the Ivorians, all Ivorians. Therefore, our decision to set up in Bouaké has nothing to do with politics. We are simply providing the people of Bouaké with good quality products at the lowest price in Côte d’Ivoire.

Is this a challenge the group is taking up?

Coming to Bouaké is not a challenge, but a matter of course. Our only challenge is that the people of Bouaké will find products and prices that help them in their daily lives. For this purpose, we are developing local supply chains every day with farmers and producers in the Bouaké region. We are cheaper.

A system similar to the Banque Populaire in France will be set up in Bouaké to recover unsold food. 13 suppliers were identified before the supermarket opens, 7 for fruit and vegetables, 2 for poultry and others. We are thinking about the harvesting of plastic, which is an international scourge, and for us we will be involved in the harvesting of this product, so that tomorrow it won’t be the earth that grows plastic because it doesn’t work, but something that is committed in our heads.

Are you setting up in Bouaké, to get ahead of any potential competitors?

Absolutely not. Our fight today is to make consumption accessible to all. We are making sure that we build a modern trade that guarantees hygiene and food safety standards. We are here to help structure the food market. 85% of the food market in Côte d’Ivoire is informal. Ensuring good food by respecting storage and delivery conditions, particularly for the cold chain, for fresh produce or meat, is a must. The public health aspect is important, and we contribute to it as a responsible actor for the population of Bouaké, Abidjan and the rest of the country. Auchan Côte d’Ivoire means feeding our customers better, eating better, living better, for a healthy planet.

How much is this investment and what can the people of Bouake expect in terms of services?

What we offer the people of Bouaké is in the same spirit as what we offer in Abidjan: a lot of friendliness, an ever-present smile and consideration for everyone. We are here to make shopping a successful experience, with low prices and choice as backdrop!

What makes your group special in the global context of the war in Ukraine?

Today, we are expanding in Africa as part of an integrated, family-run group where everyone gives their all because we are in an exciting business with conviction and purpose. We don’t just sell products to customers. But we also include in our ecosystem the whole social and community aspect, which is close to our hearts, through short supply chains, through the structuring of the agricultural sector, through our ability to create jobs with qualifications, through the Professional Degree in Retail Management with the INPHB, or the creation of the School of Trades, etc. It is this whole, a vehicle for meaning, that has made Auchan Côte d’Ivoire.

Is that why you are investing in Africa, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire, and in a major city like Bouaké, which is currently in the process of building?

The strategy of going to Africa is a response to a situation. We know that consumption in Africa is similar to that in Europe, and this is a first approach point for us. We can therefore create a synergy around the ‘good’ product. Côte d’Ivoire is the second country, after Senegal, that has proven the relevance of the business model and its appeal to customers. With our first 9 supermarkets in Abidjan, we really captured hearts! So there is no reason why our development plan should be limited to the city of Abidjan. Of course, we are going to go beyond that, because our customers, our neighbors and our inhabitants are encouraging us to do so: a real pleasure to shop locally, with a choice, always cheaper and always with a smile. In short, I am convinced that the people of Bouaké will benefit from the same successful shopping experience.

How many jobs do you estimate are currently being created by the work in progress and how many are expected to be created once operations begin? (for Ivorians)

From the opening of the first supermarket in Côte d’Ivoire to date, more than 400 direct jobs have been created, not counting indirect jobs (security, cleaning, labor). Ultimately, more than 3,000 jobs will be created.

What are the prospects for implementation after Bouaké, as universities open in the country?

« After Bouaké, the idea is to open in all the other secondary cities in the country where there is demand and potential »

After Bouaké, the idea is to open in all the other secondary cities in the country where there is demand and potential, which, supported by the success of Bouaké, will be in 2024, 2025.

Will there be French products on the shelves, or will there be mixed Ivorian-French products?

There are French products on our shelves. But what is interesting is the weight of our distributor’s brand, because it is only our Auchan products that we now import in Côte d’Ivoire. Our Auchan brand is made up of 3 food products: the green bird = let’s go back to basics (simple, quality products for everyday life); the red bird = let’s vary our desires (quality at the best price); the golden bird = let’s discover flavors (gourmet products for pampering ourselves); Cosmia = our beauty/hygiene/perfume brand. All the other products are bought locally, either from local manufacturers (producers or importers) or directly. This approach is identical in our Bouaké store.

Will Côte d’Ivoire remain a safe haven for French investments in a context where French interests are being challenged in certain countries?

This is a true conviction shared by our group. Not because it is an oasis of safety, but above all because Auchan Côte d’Ivoire has always been an adventure built by and for Ivorians. Which means that, in the end, it is the team that makes it work: Our team (and not me). It goes without saying, and I am very proud of it: we are together!

Découvrez le dernier ANAmag intitulé « Diaspora, une expertise à valoriser » conçu en partenariat avec Expertise France

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