in Short

Togo : FCFA 33 billion raised on the WAMU financial market

Togo has raised FCFA 33 billion on the regional financial market, thus completing the simultaneous issue of FCFA 30 billion in Treasury bills and bonds.

According to the report of the operation published by Umoa-titres, Lomé, during this new exit on the regional market, raised 26 billion FCFA via the Assimilable Bonds of the Treasury (BAT) issued on the maturity of 182 days. At the same time, it collected CFAF 7 billion on the 3-year Treasury Bonds (OAT). This result corresponds to a coverage rate of 110% of the amount auctioned.

12 investors responded to Togo’s call for tenders and bid up to CFAF 40 billion, i.e. a coverage rate evaluated at 133.34%.

As of April 7, Togo had borrowed CFAF 32 billion against an expected CFAF 30 billion.

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