in Short

Togo : Adétikopé Industrial Platform attracts new investors

Adétikopé Industrial Platform, owned 35% by the state and 65% by Arise IIP, is attracting new investors, energizing the sector in Togo.

With now 21 established investors, including Togo Soja, Nutrisource, Dongaco, about ten companies have recently joined the zone, among them Brilante Industrie Togo, General & DOP Park Industries, New Huasha Company Limited, One Dollar International Limited, and Smarcoft Recycle Tech.

Incentive measures aim to encourage local involvement in this platform, which boasts significant growth potential with 150 hectares still available.

Découvrez le dernier ANAmag intitulé « Diaspora, une expertise à valoriser » conçu en partenariat avec Expertise France

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