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The Met of New York spotlights Africa

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is committed to showcasing its rich collection of 4,000 African artworks, at a time when several European countries are beginning to return art pieces looted during colonial periods.

Since its inception, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) in New York has been a pillar of global culture, housing artistic treasures from around the world. Among its collections, African art has long been an essential but often overlooked part of its cultural offerings. However, recently, the Met announced a major initiative aimed at highlighting its 4,000 African artworks, thus placing a particular emphasis on the diversity and richness of the continent’s artistic creation. 

This decision comes at a time when the debate on the restitution of artworks looted during colonial periods is gaining momentum. Several European countries have begun to respond to growing calls to return these cultural treasures to their countries of origin, often in Africa. The Met, for its part, chooses to reaffirm its commitment to the valorization and appropriate contextualization of its African collection.

A recognition of the importance of these works in the global cultural landscape

The Met’s initiative is not simply a response to international pressures, but rather, the museum explains, a recognition of the importance of these works in the global cultural landscape. By spotlighting African art, the museum seeks to provide a platform that will allow visitors from around the world to better understand the history and artistic diversity of Africa. 

Through this valorization, the Met also hopes to contribute to a broader dialogue on the restitution and preservation of global cultural heritage. By offering a dedicated space for African artworks, the museum is committed to promoting a deeper and more nuanced understanding of African artistic traditions, while respecting their historical and cultural context.

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