
Rayene Thouir : the Bossy Match for Women in the Diaspora

Rayene Thouir, a Tunisian entrepreneur, founded Bossy Match at the end of 2020 in France and in 2021 in Tunisia to support women in developing their businesses across all sectors on an international scale. In this interview, she shares her journey, the specific challenges she faced, and the motivations behind her commitment to women's entrepreneurship.

Why did you found Bossy Match and what has been your journey?

I founded Bossy Match in 2021, officially in Tunisia in 2023, although the idea emerged a bit earlier in France. Born in Tunis and having lived in France since the age of 3, I’ve always been torn between these two cultures. In high school, I decided to spend a year in Tunisia to learn to read and write literary Arabic, which helped me better understand my roots and achieve my goal of becoming bilingual. After finishing my high school diploma in France, I started studying accounting, but an experience at an accounting firm made me realize that it wasn’t my path. I then opened a consulting firm in France, specifically in the beauty sector, where I saw the potential for supporting women entrepreneurs.

This dual culture sometimes left me in an identity limbo, but it also allowed me to draw the best from each culture

What difficulties did you encounter in this process?

There were many challenges. Despite my network, I had to prove my legitimacy, as in Tunisia, even with my origins, I was perceived as a foreigner. This was a significant cultural challenge. I had to build everything from scratch, without asking for family support or privileged contacts. After opening my consulting firm, the competition pushed me to shift towards supporting women entrepreneurs, which led to the creation of Bossy Match.

Why did you decide to focus on women and what specific challenges do they face?

Rayene Thouir collaborated with MEET Africa during events to support women entrepreneurs in the diaspora @Bossy Match

I realized that there was a real opportunity to support women who were already established but struggled to grow. Few people are interested in this niche. In Tunisia, and more generally in Africa and the Middle East, prejudices and mindsets are a barrier for many women who want to start businesses and break the glass ceiling. I wanted to change that and create a concept that would propel them internationally through personalized support and events that would give them a space to connect and support each other.

The biggest challenge was cultural. In Tunisia, despite my origins, I was perceived as a foreigner, and I had to prove myself

How did you overcome these obstacles?

I surrounded myself with competent people and benefited from initiatives like MEET Africa. At first, I wasn’t very enthusiastic about applying, thinking that this program wouldn’t add much value. But this structure allowed me to meet influential people and gain credibility. Thanks to this support, we were able to gather thousands of women at impactful events in Tunisia and France and establish connections with the diaspora.

What are your future plans?

We are expanding our network across the African continent and the Middle East. I am convinced that, despite the obstacles, success is possible by surrounding yourself with the right people and co-creating tailored solutions. My goal is to develop a network that connects women entrepreneurs, beyond borders, throughout the MEA region, and to increase our impact.

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