
Ramesh Caussy: « New products, new uses for emerging markets »

Fascinated by new technologies, Ramesh Caussy is the director of the company Partnering Robotics. Concerned by people’s well-being and environmental problems, he designed an air purifier robot, Diya One. Its creation allowed him to deal with major companies such as IBM or Engie Cofely.

Ramesh Caussy is the  founding director of the Company ‘Partnering Robotics’. He created Diya One, the air purifier robot. It is a neuro-inspired robot that can circulate in the aisles of one large structure without hitting obstacles. « It fits very well to large environments such as hospitals, opens-space offices … Diya One is also able to collect data from the cloud that we developed with IBM, » says Ramesh Caussy. He graduated from the « school of the Republic, » as he defines himself. « Holding a doctorate from polytechnic. I started my professional career in the technology industry in the early 90s. When I started the job, technology began to develop. Computers were still very expensive and it began to operate through networks modes. When I worked at 3Com, we launched the first Smartphone with Alcatel, we created the first DSL networks. At Intel, I worked to develop the first connected TV « adds the director of ‘Partnering Robotics’. Ramesh is particularly fond of innovations. « I basically have to imagine new products, new uses for emerging markets, things that do not exist yet but in which I feel a real development potential » claims Ramesh Caussy. With more experience, Ramesh got increasingly attracted by technological leaps but  also when he observed the evolution of robotics in France, that the idea of ​​creating an air purifier robot reached him. « To produce it in a large company was inconceivable since my project was too precursor. I decided then to create my own company in 2007 and have designed a product that did not exist, in a market that did not exist » asserts the designer of  ‘Diya One’.

Multiple skills

Ramesh Caussy wears many hats, including that of doctor-researcher. His thirst for knowledge and his taste for technology led him to this path. « As a research associate at the X, on May 27 we were delighted to  announce the creation of a greenhouse for service robotics and ethics,. We try to think about how to succeed in making a place for robotics in our lives and in our society without this being problematic. Thus, we can allow the general public to increasingly interact with robots, but also with the technology around us « he explains. In parallel to his activities, he also offers courses. « I offer the teaching of materials in the digital domain for some leading French schools, such as polytechnic or HEC, for example » says the founder of ‘Partnering Robotics’, who considers very instructive « to explain the digital economy, the business-model and  technological innovation in a world that is prone to various and profound changes in behavior by technology.  »

A company rich in diversity

Married and father of two children, Caussy Ramesh, 48, employs people with different profiles and backgrounds. « It’s interesting to have as many French. All those people in France who come from elsewhere, or born in France with memories from elsewhere, with a different culture to which they are attached, this diversity, this wealth  is an asset for France . These people working in my company bring knowledge, creativity … I think France is found to be at a stage where this diversity can recreate lines of development for the country. This is a great opportunity « he says. Computer engineers, electronics, robotics doctors… All this staff, keen on robotics, seem to bring a different perspective . The reason that prompted Ramesh to achieve an air freshener robot? « Caring for the environment and the management of the economy are two areas I always wanted to exploit. The report of the Ministry of Communication Technologies and the Digital Economy, on key technologies in 2020 offers nine plans for the future technology. Among these plans is found the  autonomous robotics which is a class environment, welfare, health … I am very pleased that Diya One holds that place « concludes the founder of Partnering Robotics, determined to move forward and offer a useful robot to each, to businesses, but also places open to the public…

By Darine Habchi

Découvrez le dernier ANAmag intitulé « Diaspora, une expertise à valoriser » conçu en partenariat avec Expertise France

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