The Togo-based television channel New World TV, holder of the exclusive broadcasting rights of the World Cup in French-speaking Africa, has set up a brand strategy to reach its target. The aim is to become the African sports channel.
By Lilia Ayari
Emmanuel Adebayor, Patrick Mboma, Basile Boli or Wilfried Mbappé, Kylian’s father… So many guests for a launch that is intended to be with great fanfare in Paris on November 4.
It is a fact, New World TV, the Togo-based television channel with pan-African ambitions, has not skimped on budget for the launch of its special World Cup campaign. That’s understandable, the channel has been awarded, and this is a feat worthy of the greatest, the exclusive rights to broadcast the next World soccer Cup in the French-speaking Africa. And to invite as such some of the biggest names. They are fully part of the journey. As consultants, but especially as ambassadors of a TV channel made by Africans, for Africans.
“As there was no TV set at home, I watched my first World Cup through the neighbor’s window”
« I grew up in a neighborhood of Lomé. As a kid, I already dreamed of being a footballer. As there was no TV set at home, I watched my first World Cup through the neighbor’s window. The only person in the neighborhood who had a TV, » says Togo’s Emmanuel Adebayor. Today we have a Togolese channel, we are very proud. »
More than 500 hours of airtime, 64 live matches, 28 are free-to-air

For now, soccer is celebrated. The channel will from November 20 to December 18 dedicate more than 500 hours of airtime to broadcasting World Cup matches (64 live matches, of which 28 will be free-to-air), not to mention programs and reports on the event. But the channel is above all dedicated to African sport. And to all sports, stressed Mr. Louis Biyao, legal counsel of New World TV. « Seven years ago, we, Africans in the diaspora, observed that quality television had become a luxury for Africans. We contacted some people including Basile Boli, and FIFA who trusted us. Today, we are there. The revolution of the African audiovisual landscape is underway with New World TV. Our objective is to democratize and offer a wide audience access to the best content.
Suitable price and a broadcast in local language
The channel has focused on two requirements to adapt to the continent: to bring prices into line, about 4 euros per subscription, and to broadcast in local languages. Strategically, the channel has partnered with telecom operators. African smartphone users are the target. « There are 150 million subscribers in Africa. According to estimates, 50 to 60 million smartphones. That’s the audience we’re targeting on the World Cup. » The kickoff will be on November 20.