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Lomé host country of the 2nd edition of WAYLS

From 6 to 8 September, will be held in Lomé the second edition of the West African Young Leaders Summit (WAYLS), in French, « Sommet Ouest Africain des Jeunes Leaders » on illegal immigration in Africa. This meeting under the theme of « Youth in the sea : What alternatives to a crisis in Africa ? « Will take place ahead of the extraordinary summit of the African Union on maritime security planned the 15 October in Lomé. WAYLS expect more than 500 young leaders of the countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to discuss issues related to illegal immigration in Africa.

« At the end of the meeting in Lomé, we expect the enhancement  of the youth participation in the development of their respective countries, awareness of young people in relation to the crisis of migrants, and especially their ability to undertake initiatives , since they will be equipped during the international conference » said Elom Attissogbé, at the root  of this event.

At the end of the meeting, organizers plan to send a document entitled « Petition for African consciousness in the tragic immigration  » that will gather recommendations for the organizing committee of the African Union summit on maritime security taking place in Lomé.

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