
Invest in Africa Forum 2024 : exploring opportunities and risks

Co-organized by the French Council of Investors in Africa (CIAN) and L'Opinion, the Invest in Africa Forum 2024, scheduled for April 23rd in Paris, is a must-attend event for French decision-makers looking to assess investment opportunities and challenges on the continent.

Conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, a succession of coups in the Sahel, inflation, and significant pressures on raw materials… The Invest in Africa Forum 2024 promises an in-depth analysis of the new geopolitical dynamics, promising investment sectors, and cross-cutting issues for French companies seeking to understand the opportunities and risks of investing in Africa.

If the situation has evolved, there’s no reason to doubt Africa’s future

« Though the landscape has changed, there’s no reason to doubt Africa’s future. » Many leaders and board members are currently pondering the risks of investing in Africa. Yet, the continent hasn’t lost its potential. It boasts robust strengths and is open to forging new alliances, especially with Europe, assert the organizers, supported by figures. If the situation has evolved, there’s no reason to doubt Africa’sfuture. Many are already convinced: the number of French company subsidiaries on the continent doubled between 2010 and 2020, approaching 5,000. French companies’ foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa stands at around €60 billion, placing them second behind the British and well ahead of the Chinese (fifth, with €43 billion FDI). Furthermore, these investments prove fruitful: almost all French companies operating in Africa record profits.

A day to take stock of the new geopolitical landscape and economic prospects of the continent

To succeed, understanding is necessary. This is what the Invest in Africa Forum, jointly organized by the French Council of Investors in Africa (CIAN) and L’Opinion, invites on April 23rd in Paris. A day to take stock of the new geopolitical landscape and economic prospects of the continent, as well as the most promising sectors – infrastructure, energy, tourism, agribusiness – and key cross-cutting themes – training, recruitment, strengthening requirements for sustainability and social responsibility, etc.

A day, also, to meet French companies currently investing in the African continent. And to engage with African delegations eager to collaborate with them.

« Faced with concerns about an alleged anti-French sentiment, many analysts emphasize the importance of not mixing business with politics. Whether through local establishments, partnerships, or direct investments, French companies are appreciated and welcomed in Africa. However, to succeed, it’s crucial to understand and master various aspects such as access to financing, regulations, administrative constraints, reputational, or judicial risks, among others. These issues will be at the heart of discussions during the 2024 edition of the Invest in Africa Forum, jointly organized by CIAN and L’Opinion, » emphasizes Nicolas Beytout, President & Founder, L’Opinion.

Save the Date : April 23, 2024 !

For more information : https://www.forum-investir-en-afrique-lopinion.fr/fr

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