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Global Media Congress : a white paper for improving the african media industry

The media industry in Africa is facing a series of challenges, including freedom of expression, combating misinformation, and adapting to technological advancements. The Global Media Congress recently explored these issues in a white paper presented in Nairobi.

Report by David Otieno, in Nairobi

In a dynamic context like Africa, the media industry is confronted with a myriad of challenges and opportunities. Ensuring freedom of expression and diversity of voices remains a major concern, with journalists often facing political and economic pressures.

Combatting misinformation is also crucial, requiring collaboration between media, governments, and civil society to promote reliable information. With the advent of digital platforms, traditional media must adapt quickly to reach an increasingly connected audience.

The media industry can play a significant role in promoting transparency and democracy on the continent

The development of high-quality professional skills and the promotion of investigative journalism are essential to strengthen media integrity in Africa. By addressing these issues proactively, the media industry can play a significant role in promoting transparency and democracy on the continent.

It is in this vein that the Global Media Congress presented its White Paper in Nairobi on February 29, exploring the challenges and opportunities of the media industry. Participants had the opportunity to discuss key themes, including the role of technology in addressing African audience issues.

The White Paper addresses several key themes, including the role of artificial intelligence in media, the resurgence of print journalism, and the growing importance of environmental journalism. It highlights the challenges and opportunities of the media industry in the digital age.

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