in Short

Gabon: The composition of the new government

In a video message, the new Gabonese Prime Minister Julien Nkoghé Békalé announced the composition of his government.

« By decree of the President of the Republic, as of today, and on the proposal of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, the Government of the Republic is composed as follows:

State Ministers:

  1. Minister of Housing and Urban Planning: Régis IMMONGAULT TATANGANI
  2. Minister of Forests and the Environment in charge of the Climate Plan: Guy-Bertrand MAPANGOU
  3. Minister of Health, Social Protection and National Solidarity: Mrs. Denise MEKAM’NE EDZIDZIE wife TATY
  4. Minister of Sports, Recreation, Culture and Handicrafts: Alain-Claude BILIE-BY-NZE
  5. Minister of National Education in charge of Civic Education: Michel MENGA M’ESSONE
  6. Minister of Relations with Constitutional Institutions and Independent Administrative Authorities: Francis NKEA NZIGUE
  7. Minister of National Defense and Homeland Security: Etienne MASSARD KABINDA MAKAGA
  8. Minister of the Interior, Territorial Administration, Local Authorities, Decentralization in charge of Citizenship and Immigration: Lambert Noël MATHA
  9. Minister of Budget and Public Accountings: Jean-Fidèle OTANDAULT
  10. Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Attorney General: Edgard Anicet MBOUMBOU MIYAKOU
  11. Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology Transfer: Jean de Dieu MOUKAGNI IWANGOU


  1. Minister of Economy, Foresight and Programming Development: Jean-Marie OGANDAGA
  2. Minister of Public Service, Innovation, and Labor: Ms. Madeleine BERRE
  3. Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food in charge of the GRAINE program: Ali Akbar ONANGA Y’OBEGHE
  4. Minister in Charge of Monitoring Economic Reforms and Planning Development: Alexis BOUTAMBA MBINA
  5. Minister of Equipment, Infrastructure and Public Works: Arnauld Calixte ENGANDJI ALANDJI
  6. Minister for the Valorization and Industrialization of Mineral Resources: Christian MAGNAGNA
  7. Minister of Oil, Gas and Hydrocarbons: Pascal HOUAGNI AMBOUROUE
  8. Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Regional Integration, Francophonie, and Gabonese Abroad: Abdu Razzaq Guy KAMBOGO
  9. Minister of Water and Energy: Emmanuel Norbert Tony ONDO MBA
  10. Minister of Employment, Youth, Vocational Training, Integration and Reintegration, Spokesperson for the Government: Ms. Nanette LONGA
  11. Minister of Transport and Logistics: Justin NDOUNDANGOYE
  12. Minister of Communication, Digital Economy and Post: Guy-Maixent MAMIAKA
  13. Minister of the Family, Women and Equal Opportunities: Ms. Estelle ONDO
  14. Minister of Commerce: David MBADINGA
  15. Minister of Investment Promotion, Public-Private Partnerships and SMEs SMI: Biendi MAGANGA MOUSSAVOU
  16. Minister of Fisheries and the Sea: Mrs Prisca KOHO wife NLEND
  17. Minister of Tourism: Mrs Marie Rosine ITSANA
  18. Minister of Industry and National Entrepreneurship: Mrs. Carmen NDAOT

Delegate Ministers:

  1. Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, Minister of Health, Social Protection and National Solidarity, in charge of Social Protection and National Solidarity: Jonathan NDOUTOUME NGOME
  2. Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, Minister of National Education in charge of Civic Training: Mrs Gisèle AKOGHET wife NTOUTOUME
  3. Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, Minister of Forests and the Environment in charge of the Climate Plan: Franck NGUEMA
  4. Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, Minister of Sports, Recreation, Culture and Handicrafts: Arsène Édouard NKOGHE
  5. Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, Minister of Employment, Youth, Vocational Training, Integration and Reintegration: Ms Olivia Hagar NGUEMA ONDO
  6. Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, Minister of the Interior, Territorial Administration, Local Authorities, Decentralization in charge of Citizenship and Immigration: Mrs. Patricia TAYE
  7. Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, Minister of Housing and Urban Planning: Jean-Marie OBAME ONDO
  8. Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy, Foresight and Programming Development Programming: Hilaire MACHIMA
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