in Short

G5 Sahel Heads of State meet on February 5th , 2019 in Ouagadougou

The 5th  ordinary session of the G5 Sahel Heads of State Conference will is held today, February 5th , 2019 in Ouagadougou.

In the face of the security challenges facing the region, the five Member States have established a 5,000-strong force called the G5 SAHEL Joint Force, which is awaiting funding for its operationalization.

Also aware that without a development perspective, there can be no security, the Ouagadougou session, in addition to the security challenges, intends to focus on a better balance and a good articulation between development and security.

The financing needs of the various projects amount to 423 million euros. The institution has made several promises, some of which are still at the announcement stage. These promises include the European Union, 100 million euros, the United States of America, 60 million dollars, Saudi Arabia, 100 million dollars and the United Arab Emirates, 30 million dollars. In addition to these promises, the five member countries pledged € 10 million each for this joint force.

The Ouagadougou conference is therefore an appointment for the five heads of state of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Mauritania and Chad to better federate their efforts to make the G5 Sahel, an economically integrated area socially prosperous, culturally rich, where security and peace prevail.

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