
Farid Arab : the self-taught educator

Farid Arab embodies an emblematic figure of innovation in Africa, founder of Founder Family, an association dedicated to economic and social development across the continent. As both an entrepreneur and a staunch advocate of the digital revolution, he orchestrates initiatives such as and Webdays, while leaving an indelible mark on the industry with his unwavering commitment and dynamic territorial vision.

Born in Rouen to Algerian parents, Farid developed an entrepreneurial spirit from a young age… starting by selling chestnuts at the market. His first step into the business world came when he realized that the quality of chestnuts could be improved using simple techniques like olive oil to make them more attractive to buyers.

Chance, or destiny as some would say, later allowed Farid to connect this innate entrepreneurial spirit with his passion for computers. Which also appeared very early in the young man. « I used to play video games at Fnac, when the computer crashed, I started teaching myself. » Self-taught, Farid became, over time and experiences, an « informatician without the diploma, » as he amusingly recalls.

A true education acquired far from school benches, in books and keyboards

In the meantime, while he launched his first business after high school, he continued his higher education in economics and management. Endowed by nature with assurance in all work, he later landed his first permanent job in IT « with just a two-year degree. » But a true education acquired far from school benches, in books and keyboards. He stayed there for several years, gradually climbing the ranks as the world of IT evolved. Each time, Farid was at the forefront. Having become an expert in his field, he undertook several innovative projects, particularly in web marketing and new technologies.

As a speaker for industry leaders in France, he was approached by an Algerian who invited him to share his experience « with his country. » A man of challenge, Farid did it. In 2011, « La semaine du web » in Algeria, « the first tech event in Algeria, » as he emphasizes, brought together 6000 participants. Unbeknownst to him yet, through these encounters, he laid the foundations for « Founder Family. » An association that brings together actors committed to catalyzing all stakeholders in the economic, social, and sustainable development of territories across the African continent. In pursuit of this goal, Founder Family develops tools to implement various programs, including, Webdays, and

With Founder Family, because I believe we are all brothers, we share our licenses in Senegal, Gabon, Guinea, … in about thirty countries

In the meantime, Farid, elected Algeria’s best web personality in 2013, recognizing his growing influence in the digital domain, also co-organized No Limits for Young World and served as director of FOOTFANS. And continues his commitment « to educate » the youth of the continent. « Because even though AI will revolutionize our lifestyles and work, we first need data scientists to adapt it. In the Maghreb, we have a pool of mathematicians, and AI is about calculations. We need to create pools of data scientists. Train the first AI engineers. » And Farid will undoubtedly shake up the ecosystem and contribute to the foundation.

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