
Renewable energy: « 27% clean electricity by 2030 », in Algeria

The international electricity and renewable energies exhibition was held in Algiers from 12 to 15 February 2018. The first edition was organized under the theme: « green energies, energies of tomorrow », is in line with the country’s ambitions in terms of REN.

Zahra Rahmouni, from Algiers

The event, open to the public, brought together 80 national and foreign exhibitors from Tunisia, Italy and France. « We realized that there was a lack of communication in the area of electricity, » says Nassima Messaoudi, director of Advision ElDjazair, co-organizer of the specialized exhibition. « We want to connect different stakeholders, from producers to distributors, as well as academics. We are also longing to educate the consumers about waste, the problem of counterfeit products and renewable energies « .

« 27% renewable electricity in 2030 »

Nearly 14,000 megawatts of electricity are provided in Algeria, including about 450 megawatts from renewable sources, Hamza Merabet told to ANA, researcher and head of department at the Center for Development of Renewable Energy (CDRE). The clean energies used to produce this green electricity include photovoltaics (290 MW), solar thermal energy (150 MW) and wind turbines (10 MW).

« Until now, the twenty photovoltaic power plants created are scattered over several wilayas in the highlands and in the south to see the behavior of geographical areas on renewable energies because the temperature and sandstorms play a role and sometimes slow down the production of energy. Then there will be a generalization to all wilayas, » explains the researcher.

In 2017, the CDERE updated its data by providing a more detailed wind map to identify windy areas. « Up to now, twelve wind turbines with a capacity of ten megawatts have been provided in Adrar. We follow the behavior of these stations.”

In recent years, Algeria has used significant resources for energy sources diversification to limit the use of fossil fuels in the years to come. The national renewable energy program plans to produce 22,000 megawatts to reach 27% renewable electricity by 2030. Hamza Merabet is optimistic about this. « Algeria has the largest solar deposit in the world. We have the surface and the means to implement this program, » he says.

From distributors to producers

Several importers and distributors of electrical equipment, who attended the show, are planning to focus on local production.

Global Realization, a family business specializing in generators will soon open a factory in Algiers under the investment rule 49/51. « We finalized the operation with a foreign partner. The project must be implemented as soon as possible. It is a self-financing operation, the factory is ready but it is a little slow because of the bureaucracy, » says Merzak Sebiat, technical sales engineer of the company.

Met in the aisles of the show site, Djamila Salem, manager of Time Smart Energy and specialized in photovoltaics, welcomes the holding of the show. « I set up my own business because I noticed that in Algeria, the market was still virgin, we do not really have a specialized company » She mentions a « lack of culture of solar energy » and deplores that « the majority of companies consider energy as a trade ».

« We have a lot of capacity here in Algeria, executives, young people, who have the skills to make achievements. The students are very interested in this area. This show is also for farmers and isolated structures that need solar kit and generators. You have to educate people. The state has done the basics with a program for the setting up of the plants, now they are looking for installers in the area ». The dynamic entrepreneur, who already has structures in Illizi, Touggourt, Guelma, El Bayadh, Médéa intends to rush into the breach by extending investments to other areas of the country.

To promote her activity, she regularly takes under her wing students. « Some have not seen the process or studied solar panels at the university. So I offer free training to transfer my know-how.” Several university clubs were invited to participate in the show.

The country is on the right way, says Hamza Merabet. « Now, people are interested in renewable energies and come in mass to this kind of show. We receive always requests for training and information, especially from people who want to set up small businesses and develop photovoltaic stations. Things are starting to move »

Zahra Rahmouni, from Algiers
Photo Credit: Zahra Rahmouni « Algeria is organizing its first electricity and renewable energies exhibition »
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