
Educteck Algeria : an « African event in sight »

E-learning, a learning mode with multiple benefits, has become essential for learners. In order to catch up with the delay in expanding its use in Algeria, the first e-education exhibition "Educteck" will take place in Algiers from October 25 to 29, 2022.

 By Nadjoua Khelil in Algiers

Educteck is meant to be an event « with an African dimension and scope », say its initiators, Omar Ali Yahia, head of Beeform, a leading e-learning company and Hafid Boudjemline and Hamza Benkouider, directors of BB2H (Build Business to Happiness). The objective is to make it a « crossroads of encounters and exchanges » between the digital sphere and the education players. This is in order to « raise awareness of the importance of e-learning, explore issues and propose innovative solutions and mechanisms to improve and generalize e-learning and accelerate the digital transition. For every learner has the right to quality education, » states Hafid Boudjemline. 

This event, placed under the auspices of the Ministries of Digitization and Statistics, Education and Telecommunications, will bring together forty Algerian and foreign exhibitors, including French companies. « Participation is open to all local or international sector professionals and solution providers, » notes Feiza Mitourni, Educteck communication officer.

As such, a varied program, including B2B meetings, conferences on digital technology, education and learning technologies led by experts, will be on the agenda. Among these experts are Tadjeddine Bachir, president of the Algerian Group of Digital Actors (GAAN), Adel Amalou, founder of Incube.me, and Samia Kebbouche, consultant on information and communication technology for education (ICTE). E-learning players, solution and equipment providers, public and private training centers will also be present in the exhibition area. They include Inkidia and its project Moalim, RighTutors, Band Company, Microtel training institute. 

Algerian Online Teacher Award 2022: « A good teacher for every learner and everywhere »

The exhibition honors the status of the trainer through the best online teacher competition, the Algerian Online Teacher Award (OATA). This award aims to « support teachers to make them more effective and ascribe them the elevated status they deserve. It encourages improving the quality of training and learning methods because « learners anywhere deserve good trainers, » says Omar Ali Yahia. Hence, « the importance » of the challenge launched on September 1, he stressed. They are forty-eight trainers competing for the title, with a 15-minute course, subject to a public vote. 

This is an « opportunity to assess the effectiveness of our program, » says candidate, Lahdiri Mohand Arezki, English teacher at the International High School of Tizi Ouzou. He teaches his courses via the platform of the International English Language Teachers Association (IELTA), of which he has been member since 2021 as an ambassador for Algeria. For Hassad Nadjib, another candidate, this helped him to « share with the participants his experience and his technique to teach cosmopolitan classes ». The thirty-year-old primary school teacher in Khenchela, in the east of the country, has been offering physics courses to middle school students since 2021, via the Let’s Study group. Voting will end on October 20 to select the three winners, who will be awarded prizes on the sidelines of the exhibition. To vote visit the website : https://educteck.dz/

« African contents, sustainable models »

Managing director of Beeform, Omar Ali Yahia said this competition, initially, helps to meet a national demand. Subsequently, the organizers wish to « identify the needs at the continental level to develop African tailor-made content. Indeed, Educteck has a long-term approach for sustainable programs, by continentally expanding the competition in future editions.” « Achieving sustainable models for quality learning is our primary objective. It fits into the commitments of Algerian decision makers. A challenge. Our contribution will be through debates and recommendations, » he said.

« Solutions by and for Africans « 

This meeting will also reward the best innovative learning projects proposed by participating startups. They will be evaluated by a jury of specialists and supported. These companies « could in the future extend their solutions to other locations, especially since the geographical barrier is no longer an issue in the digital age, making deployment outside the borders easier, » said Hafid Boudjemeline. 

« Africa is one of our priorities, especially for e-learning. This requires joint actions by and for Africans in order to develop sustainable Afro-African solutions. The will is there. We aspire to achieve this goal as soon as possible. Why not for the next editions? » the managing director of Beeform said in conclusion. 


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