The month of record

“Diaspora entrepreneurs are key players in positive transformation of African continent”

Through entrepreneurship, African diasporas are rediscovering their necessary vocation: to influence the sustainable growth of the African continent from where they are, and to create value for the greatest number of people through their direct and indirect investments.

By Pierre de Gaétan Njikam

Read more : “Diaspora entrepreneurs are key players in positive transformation of African continent”

Africa is moving towards its destiny, by striving to bring together all its energies in order to better meet the numerous challenges it faces, in particular that of an economic upturn for the benefit of its people and its role in the world.

In this context of uncertainty and sometimes of disappointment, but also of opportunity and hope, diaspora entrepreneurs are one of the key actors in the positive transformation of the African continent.

« The acceleration of Africa’s history coincides with the increasingly central role of entrepreneurship in the dynamics of the diaspora in France and in the relationship between Africa and France »

Fortunately, the acceleration of Africa’s history coincides with the increasingly central place of entrepreneurship in the dynamics of the diaspora in France and in the relationship between Africa and France.

Indeed, in recent years, the economic life of France has seen the emergence of more and more entrepreneurs from the diaspora. Various initiatives and events, in the Paris region and in the territories, highlight and reflect the many entrepreneurial talents, mostly young people and women of the new generations: forums, platforms, networks and clubs of diaspora entrepreneurs, various awards and prizes…

These entrepreneurs are active in various sectors: digital and new technologies, fashion, gastronomy, arts and culture, professions, import-export, training, communication and press, etc.

At the same time, the African continent is increasingly welcoming these diaspora entrepreneurs, often called « expats », under conditions that vary from country to country. With varying degrees of success, they find as many opportunities as levers for the growth of their activities.

« Diaspora entrepreneurs have contributed to changing the nature of the relationship between the diaspora and host country, as well as with African countries: their recognition in France is topical, their economic and social impact through production is proven » 

Through entrepreneurship, African diasporas are rediscovering their necessary vocation: to influence the sustainable growth of the African continent from where they are, and to create value for as many people as possible through their direct and indirect investments.

Thus, diaspora entrepreneurs have helped to change the nature of the relationship between the diaspora and the host country, the country of residence and the African countries: their recognition in France is topical, their economic and social impact through production is proven.

This is the meaning that we, together with the leaders of the diaspora and the stakeholders in the continent, wanted to give to the JNDA, the National Days of African Diaspora, in Bordeaux, by giving the opportunity of a partnership link between entrepreneurs of the continent, with those of the Diaspora and the others.

May this momentum be solidified for a sustainable renewed relationship between Africa and France.

*Former deputy mayor of Bordeaux in charge of partnerships with Africa and the Francophonie, Franco-Cameroonian, Pierre de Gaétan Njikam is the founder of the National Day of African Diasporas (JNDA) which is held every year in Bordeaux.

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