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COP27: Developing countries call for « climate justice

At the United Nations Climate Conference in Egypt, leaders called for concrete action on adaptation and the thorny issue of loss and damage.

The COP27 Presidency kicked off the Sharm El-Sheikh adaptation agenda to rally global action around 30 outcomes needed to address what the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has described as the climate « adaptation gap. » 

The program aims to build resilience for four billion people living in the most climate-vulnerable communities by 2030. Il a été surnommé le premier plan mondial global axé sur l’adaptation pour rallier les gouvernements et les acteurs non étatiques derrière un ensemble d’actions communes.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, nearly half of the world’s population will be severely threatened by the impacts of climate change by 2030, even with only 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming. 

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