in Short

Burkina Faso : inauguration of 2 solar power plants  

Burkina Faso’s transitional Prime Minister, Apollinaire Joachim Kyèlem de Tambèla, has officially inaugurated two solar power plants in western Burkina Faso.

The first photovoltaic plant, located in the commune of Bobo-Dioulasso, has a production capacity of 38 megawatt-peak (MWp) and will inject an average of 73 gigawatt-hours (GWh) per year into the national interconnected grid. According to the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries, the plant will supply around 42,000 households. The second solar photovoltaic power plant, located in Pâ in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, has a production capacity of 30 MWp and will inject an average of 54.15 GWh per year into the national interconnected grid, connecting around 31,000 households to the power grid.

In 2022, Burkina Faso’s national electrification rate stood at 25.24%, recording an increase of 5.18% in urban areas and 0.84% in rural areas respectively compared with the previous year, according to data from the Ministry of Energy.

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