
Beauty Color Africa, Marina Mara Marville: « The beauty market is international »

At the initiative of Marina Mara Marville, the exhibition manager also Communication Director at Mara Group, Africa Beauty Color is a professional event dedicated to the general public of beauty, hairdressing, wellness and fashion . It will take place from 11 to 13 November 2016, in one of the capitals of beauty, Abidjan. Aware of the socio-economic issues related to the field of beauty, the exhibition manager is trying to make this event a moment of exchange between professionals but also a high place of discovery for individuals. ANA went to meet her.

As initiator of Beauty color Africa, what can you tell us about this long awaited event?
Beauty Color Africa is a professional event dedicated to the public world of cosmetics and beauty. Buyers and distributors on one side, fashion enthusiasts and lovers of cosmetics on the other …. All are invited to live a unique experience with participating brands. This unique event is a true platform for exchange, networking and business opportunities. This is also the appointment of the discovery of new trends and innovations for beauty, hair care, skin care, the spa world and well-being. More than a show, the event will bring together on 3000m2,over a hundred brands in the luxurious Convention Centre at the Sofitel Hotel Ivoire.

Why the beauty industry?
It is important to stimulate the local economy by providing investors who believe in the economic development of Africa. With a market valued at 6.93 billion Euros in 2012 and an increase of about 10% per year, against just 4% for the global market, according to the World Retail Congress Africa 2013, Africa is the new Eldorado for the giants of cosmetics. A recent study indicates that it should reach 10 billion Euros in 2017. It was obvious and necessary to develop a reference show as Beauty Color Africa to allow the beauty industry players to meet in sub-Saharan Africa .

Why have you chosen Abidjan? Is it because the Ivory Coast  is propitious to trade and business?
Ivory Coast, with its middle class, its foreign multinationals and its many distribution points, from the mall to the luxury boutique benefits from an edge over other Francophone African countries. The arrival of Fnac, Carrefour and the construction of several shopping centers makes the Ivory Coast a suitable location for business opportunities.

How will this show take place?
Beauty Color Africa is a new concept that brings together an exhibition space with a hundred brands, a business meeting space in partnership with Business France and a conference space with quality speakers. Not to mention an entertainment space with incredible shows scheduled over the three days. Will also be in the program the « Beauty Color Africa Awards », a special price offered by the artistic director, Elie Kuame. The winner will receive the sum of 5,000 Euros and an unprecedented media coverage by the  media partners.

Let’s talk a little bit about the development of the beauty industry in Africa. How fast does it develop?
The beauty market in Africa is mainly focused on hair products and body care. Facials and makeup are still marginal, but are growing rapidly. They only represent between 6% and 7% of the market each. Furthermore, consumers often alternate between buying local brands and international brands depending on the different lifestyles, habits and purchasing power of local people. Furthermore, in Africa, 90% of trade still going through traditional markets and hawking.

Do you have any figures on the field of beauty in Africa?
The development of the African market for the beauty and care is worth € 6.9 billion and is estimated to reach € 10.5 billion in 2017, according to Euromonitor / Roland Berger. Among the major consumer groups on the African continent, Unilever record 7.1 billion Euros in turnover, a large – (OC & C) group. 120 million of cosmetics were sold in Africa, with a revenue of 683 million Euros in 2013.

Is the beauty industry market in Africa only related to African countries or is it also internationally oriented?

I think the beauty market is international because the African Diaspora is very important worldwide. Beauty Color Africa wants to be the trigger for a new impetus to the integration of men and women with dark to olive skin, wherever they are worldwide.

By Darine Habchi

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