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AU : The Peace and Security Council (PSC) adopts the « Tangier Declaration »

The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) has adopted the « Tangier Declaration » on promoting the link between peace, security and development in Africa and decided to submit it for consideration and adoption by the 36th Summit of the pan-African organization scheduled for mid-February.

The PSC of the AU « adopts the Declaration of the AU Assembly on the promotion of the link between Peace, Security and Development in Africa, entitled ‘Tangier Declaration' » and decides to submit it « for consideration and adoption by the Assembly of the Union at the 36th Ordinary Session of Heads of State and Government to be held in February 2023, » the Council said in a statement issued on Thursday at the end of its 1134th meeting held on 27 January on the review of the Tangier Declaration.

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