
AFRICALEADS 2022 Barometer: the image of France and its companies is improving on the African continent

The results of the fourth edition of the « CIAN Barometer of Opinion Leaders in Africa » conducted by the IMMAR Institute (AFRICALEADS) were made public on March 10 during the Africa 2022 Forum organized by L’Opinion and CIAN. While the image of almost all European powers has been affected by the context of the Covid pandemic, that of France is evolving favorably: it has moved up one place in the ranking compared to last year and is now sixth.

By the editorial staff

As the situation stabilizes after the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic downturn of 2020 and 2021, the priorities of African opinion leaders have shifted. The digital sector remains in constant progress according to 68% of the panel. Conversely, the sectors that have deteriorated the most are employment (61%) and the economy (58%). The latter is now considered a priority for the future, along with health and education. Security also remains a concern due to the geopolitical upheaval in Africa.

« The image of most industrialized powers has deteriorated, with the exception of China and France”

The image of most industrialized powers has deteriorated, with the exception of China and France. The main findings of the Africaleads 2022 barometer are the reduction of the image deficit of our country, the progression of Canada ahead of Germany, and the reduction of the gap between the United States and other countries. For Etienne Giros, Deputy Chairman of the French Council of Investors in Africa (CIAN): « These results show an improvement in France’s image, unprecedented in the last three years. This is largely due to the actions of its companies, which are recognized for their high-impact investments. This progress contrasts with the situation of our European neighbors, who are losing ground. The CIAN is pleased that the collaboration with IMMAR has been providing a useful analysis tool to understand the environment of the continent for the past 4 years.

When asked to name the African countries with the best image, opinion leaders continue to place South Africa in first position (42%) despite a harsh recession, while Rwanda, Ghana and Morocco remain on the podium thanks to their economic dynamism and good governance.

Orange, among the most appreciated companies by African opinion leaders

As for international companies, the big names in the automotive (Toyota), distribution (Coca-Cola, DHL) and tech (Samsung, Apple, Microsoft) sectors take the top spots in the ranking. As for French brands, Orange is among the companies most appreciated by African opinion leaders.

The preferred pan-African companies are well established in their respective sectors, namely the airline sector, construction, telecoms and banking-finance.

« This 2022 barometer is the most representative in terms of diversity on the African continent since the launch of this study »

According to Mohamed El Kalchi, IMMAR’s Director of Studies: « This 2022 barometer is the most representative in terms of diversity on the African continent since the launch of this study. This year’s sample includes 14 countries with the addition of South Africa and Angola. 2,895 face-to-face interviews were conducted between November 2021 and January 2022, a large-scale effort that fed all the indicators. This diversity is also reflected in the profiles of the opinion leaders – business leaders, but also political decision-makers, representatives of civil society associations, media professionals, etc. – 30% of whom are women. A panel, which corresponds to 70% of the continent’s population, that we are proud to present alongside CIAN.

For more information:

Découvrez le dernier ANAmag intitulé « Diaspora, une expertise à valoriser » conçu en partenariat avec Expertise France

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