
Gilles Komi Maglo  « Transforming development problems into business opportunities »

With Initiatives & Promotions International (ipint) to find solutions to development problems, accelerate the development of emerging countries, but also his M’Network platform, Gilles Komi Maglo is working to set up a digital infrastructure / ecosystem and solutions integrated effectively meeting the needs of operators on the continent. Portrait.


 Interview by Daouda MBaye


Who are you Gilles Komi Maglo, what is his background briefly?


I am originally from Togo and have lived in Germany for several decades. I am an entrepreneur. I have developed several independent businesses. Passionate about the development of the MSME sector in Africa and the building of bridges between Africa and Germany, I created during my entrepreneurial journey, several companies, namely MES & DAK Corporation (Digital Transformation of the sector MSME in Africa),, and Initiatives & Promotions International,, to turn development issues into business opportunities.


Your mobilization for the development of companies in Africa is manifested by the creation of many companies. What gave you the most satisfaction?


I am not yet satisfied, far from it. There is still a long way to go and we are not moving at a steady pace and quickly, as severe poverty increases / strides forward. We must be able to change the course of things, by creating more jobs and wealth, to reduce avoidable misery and suffering for our people.


MES & DAK Corporation focuses on the digital transformation of SMEs in Africa. What about your expectations?


It is difficult to speak of satisfaction at this stage of our development trajectory. On the other hand, we are happy that our digital infrastructure / ecosystem and integrated solutions actually meet the needs of our customers. Now we have to improve the user experience, thereby increasing the wide adoption of our solutions.


With Initiatives & Promotions International (ipint) you help turn development issues into opportunities, accelerate the development of emerging countries. Do the Private and / or the Public only find networks on your platforms?


Beyond connecting on our M’Network platform, we are designers, developers and executors of projects. We do this on our own initiative and also on order.


 Your vision is based on improving living conditions in emerging African countries. What impact have you noticed or do you expect in the medium term?


In my opinion, the most important impact which remains to be created and which must be created in Africa, is « to make people understand and accept to believe in ourselves ». We have within us all the resources necessary to solve our problems. We will have to take our destiny into our own hands, by really getting down to work. Ultimately, consolidate confidence in our own abilities.


 Interview by Daouda MBaye



Découvrez le dernier ANAmag intitulé « Diaspora, une expertise à valoriser » conçu en partenariat avec Expertise France

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