Cameroon: Bolloré will not obtain the concession of the Doula port’s container terminal
Cyrus Ngo’o, the general director of the autonomous Port of Douala (PAD), announced on January 8th , 2019, according to the information published by Invest in Cameroon, the list of prequalified companies, following the public international call for demonstration of interest launched on January 12th , 2018 for the concession of the container terminal of the port of Douala: CMA Terminals, based in Marseille, France; Emirati Dubai Port World; Hutchison Port Investments Ltd, a company registered in the Cayman Islands; Saudi Red Sea Gateway Terminal; and Terminal Investment Ltd, a company based in Geneva, Switzerland. The management of the Terminal has been in the hands of the Bolloré-APM Terminals since 2005. The Bolloré group is now excluded from the race.