
10 Years of Expertise France : 10 proposals for the future of technical cooperation

For 10 years, Expertise France has been working alongside its partners to strengthen international technical cooperation and support public policies in developing countries. To mark this milestone, a major ceremony was held on February 12, 2025, bringing together key development stakeholders. The highlight: 10 concrete proposals to shape the future of technical cooperation and address global challenges.

Technical cooperation is a strategic tool to tackle environmental, social, health, and economic challenges. Since its creation, Expertise France has been assisting partner countries in implementing innovative and inclusive public policies, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.

To celebrate a decade of action, Expertise France organized a unique event under the High Patronage of the President of France and in the presence of the Prime Minister. This hybrid, live-streamed ceremony brought together experts, policymakers, and international partners for an in-depth discussion on the future of technical cooperation.

10 proposals to shape the future

At the heart of the discussions, 10 key proposals were put forward to guide technical cooperation in the coming years. Developed with input from researchers at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), they address major current and future challenges:

  1. Towards Balanced Global Cooperation – Encourage fair partnerships for more equitable global governance.
  2. Inclusive Artificial Intelligence – Ensure equal access to digital advances and prevent technological divides.
  3. Human Security as a Priority – Strengthen population resilience against crises and conflicts.
  4. Future-Oriented Education – Adapt education systems to technological and economic transformations.
  5. Promoting Multi-Stakeholder Climate Alliances – Engage all actors in effective and sustainable climate action.
  6. Culture as an Economic Driver in Africa – Leverage cultural industries as a catalyst for development and employment.
  7. Sustainable Sporting Events – Integrate responsible practices into major sporting events.
  8. Empowering Women – Implement bold policies to achieve gender equality.
  9. Equitable Global Health – Strengthen health systems and ensure access to healthcare for all.
  10. Enhanced Knowledge Sharing within the EU – Foster a collective and united approach among member states.

A white paper to turn proposals into action

These proposals have been compiled into a white paper, reflecting the discussions and cross-disciplinary expertise of the speakers. This document will serve as a roadmap to guide the future actions of Expertise France and its partners.

A shared ambition for the next decade

« This celebration is more than an anniversary; it is a moment of collective reflection on our commitment to a fairer and more sustainable future. Together, we must continue to innovate and build technical cooperation that meets the challenges of our time” said Jérémie Pellet, CEO of Expertise France.

Building on a decade of expertise and success, Expertise France now looks to the future, convinced that technical cooperation must evolve to become even more inclusive, sustainable, and effective.

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